Download an eBook to read offline from a browser

Once you download an eBook, you can access it for offline reading anytime, anywhere.

Note: If you use Destiny v18.0 or later, consider using the Destiny Discover app, which lets you search, check out, and access Follett eBooks and Audiobooks offline.

To download your eBook:

  1. Hover over the top of your eBook, or select any eBook page.
  2. In the top-left corner of the page, select Menu icon. > Offline Access. The eBook downloads to your web browser for offline access. A message appears when the book is downloaded successfully.

    Successful download message.


    • To download your eBook for offline access, you must allow pop-ups to display in your browser. If you have a pop-up blocker, you will need to manually enable pop-ups.
    • With some browsers, you will be asked to confirm that the reader can store the eBook offline. You must allow this to save your eBook.
    • When you save your eBook for offline access, a checkmark appears next to Offline Access in the Main Menu.

  3. To access an eBook offline, you need to create a bookmark in your browser to the Offline Content Library while you are still online. Your Offline Content Library contains all eBooks you currently have downloaded. To access it:

      Note: You can also access the Offline Content Library from an open eBook (while online) by selecting Menu icon. > Offline Content Library.

    2. Click BOOKMARK THIS PAGE. The Add Bookmark Address pop-up appears.
    3. Click COPY BOOKMARK ADDRESS to copy the URL of your Offline Content Library.
      Add Bookmark Address pop-up.
    4. Paste the URL to your browser's bookmark toolbar.
      Offline Content Library with browser bookmark highlighted.

    Note: The steps for adding a bookmark are different, depending on the web browser you are using. Once you bookmark the Offline Content Library page, every eBook you download will be accessible from there.

To access your downloaded eBook offline:

  1. Make sure that you do not have an internet connection.
  2. Open your web browser. In the browser's bookmarks toolbar, click the saved bookmark to your Offline Content Library. The Log In page appears.
  3. In the USERNAME or LIBRARY ID field, enter your Destinyusername.

  4. Click LOGIN. Your Offline Content Library opens.

    Note: When you are reading offline, OFFLINE MODE appears at the bottom of the page.

To view a list of your downloaded eBooks:

  1. Hover over the top of your eBook, or select any eBook page.
  2. In the top-left corner of the page, click Menu icon..
  3. Select Offline Content Library. A list of eBooks you downloaded appears.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To open an eBook, click its cover.
    • To remove an eBook, click REMOVE.
    • To remove all eBooks in your library, click REMOVE ALL EBOOKS.


    • You must be logged in to Destiny Discover to create notes or bookmarks, or change your eBook display settings.
    • The Google, Define, and Search features are disabled in offline mode.
    • Your eBook will automatically close after 15 minutes of inactivity.